Bekijk Volledige Versie : Microsoft en SCO hebben banden

12-03-04, 16:29
Investment firm confirms Microsoft link to SCO
Last modified: March 11, 2004, 2:34 PM PST
By Stephen Shankland
Staff Writer, CNET News.com

update Investment company BayStar Capital has confirmed ties between two Linux foes, saying Thursday that a Microsoft referral led to $50 million in BayStar funding for the SCO Group.

"Yes, Microsoft did introduce BayStar to SCO," a BayStar representative said

Thursday, declining to share further details and repeating the firm's earlier position that Microsoft did not actually invest money in the deal.

Word of the Microsoft matchmaking surfaced last week when open-source advocate Eric Raymond published a leaked memo about Microsoft's help in the BayStar investment. SCO Group confirmed the authenticity of the memo but said its author, S2 Strategic Consulting's Mike Anderer, misunderstood the situation. Open-source fans leaped on the memo as evidence that Microsoft is aiding SCO's attack on Linux.

Linux threatens Microsoft's business--chiefly in hampering the growth of Windows on higher-end computers called servers, but also in Microsoft's desktop computing stronghold and in "embedded" computing devices such as electronic ticket dispensers, where Microsoft is trying to expand.

SCO argues that the Linux operating system infringes on its Unix intellectual property, and the company says businesses should pay to use Linux, a claim that advocates of the open-source OS vehemently deny. To back up its demands, SCO has hired a high-profile attorney, David Boies, and is suing AutoZone, DaimlerChrysler, Novell and IBM and earlier had prepared a suit against Bank of America as well.


Voor de mensen die niet bekend zijn met het verhaal. SCO is nu alweer zeker een jaar bezig met een kruistocht tegen Linux. Het claimt eigendomsrechten op gedeelten code van Linux en eist geld van fabrikanten die gebruik maken van Linux. Nu blijkt dat Microsoft banden heeft met SCO, kan de kruistocht van SCO worden verklaard. Immers Linux is aardsvijand nummer een van Microsoft en het zal blijkbaar alles doen om Linux te grondde te richten.