Bekijk Volledige Versie : Dr. Al Rantisi wij zullen de joodse zionisten overal in de wereld aanvallen...

23-03-04, 23:48
Alhamdulilah....een tactiekverandering !!!

Al-Rantisi vows to fight Israel 'everywhere'

Tuesday 23 March 2004, 23:21 Makka Time, 20:21 GMT

Al-Rantisi has been elected Gaza chief of Hamas

Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi was chosen on Tuesday to be the new leader of Hamas in Gaza following Israel's assassination of the group's founder.

Hamas officials said Rantisi emerged from secret elections as the Gaza chief of Hamas.

Khaled Mashaal, a Hamas leader based in Syria, still heads the group's political bureau, the main decision-making body.

Al-Rantisi has vowed that Israelis "will not know security" and vowed to "fight them everywhere".

"We will hit them everywhere. We will chase them everywhere. We will teach them lessons in confrontation," al-Rantisi told thousands of mourners gathered in Gaza's main soccer stadium on Tuesday.

Hamas supporters responded chanting, "We will sacrifice our blood and souls for you".

Reiterating Hamas pledge to avenge Yassin's assassination, al-Rantisi said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israeli leaders "will never feel security or safety".


Earlier, Hamas said it was to hold elections to designate a successor for Yasin. This came as Israel reiterated threats that all Palestinian resistance leaders are targets.

A man screams as he views the
body of Shaikh Yasin

Hamas political chief Muhammad Shamaa said on Tuesday the movement would decide on a successor in a democratic manner.

Israel assassinated Yasin in a helicopter attack on Monday in the occupied Gaza Strip. At least nine other people were killed in the attack, including two of his bodyguards and a son-in-law. Seventeen people were wounded, among them two of Yasin’s children.

Shamaa, a founder of Hamas, said the movement would designate its new overall leader once the three-day mourning period for Yasin's death was over.

He did not say who may take the post.

As Hamas prepared to find a new leader, Israel said on Tuesday all Palestinian resistance leaders were in its sights.

More killings promised

Israel said it would continue its policy of targeted killings, during a meeting on Tuesday among Israeli military and security leaders, according to army radio.

In his first comments since the attack, Israeli Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz said the killing of Yasin was a huge blow to Hamas.

Palestinians across the globe
protested Shaikh Yasin's murder

However, he admitted that the immediate reaction might be counterproductive, saying that, "Maybe in the short run such an act may strengthen the emotions and the motivation of Hamas."

Hamas leaders confirmed the Intifada or uprising against Israeli occupation would not be deterred.

“We are going to intensify our armed struggle until the elimination of the occupation and nobody will say that Israel left our area by negotiation but they suffered too much from our struggle,” said Hamas leader Mahmud Zahar.

He was speaking at Shaikh Yasin’s home in Gaza City, where Palestinians had been lining up to offer condolences to his family.

The occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank were in mourning for the loss of the wheelchair-bound cleric.

Schools, universities and businesses are closed, reported Aljazeera’s correspondent.

Israel was on heightened alert for retaliation attacks. Security has also been boosted at Israeli embassies around the world.

hmmm...zijn er veel mensen die sympathiseren voor de palestijnse zaak?. . :confused:

Zijn er ook zionisten buiten bezet Palestina?. . :confused:


23-03-04, 23:56
Geplaatst door SjeikhSpear
hmmm...zijn er veel mensen die sympathiseren voor de palestijnse zaak?. . :confused:

Heel wat.

Zijn er ook zionisten buiten bezet Palestina?. . :confused:

Heel wat.

Hmmm, zijn er ook niet-joodse zionisten? Twordt steeds ingewikkelder...

24-03-04, 00:18
Tja, dit is een spijtige evolutie -met dank aan vetklep Sharon- Terwijl sheik Yassin de Palestijnse zelfmoordaanslagen zag als het enig mogelijke overgebleven middel van het Palestijnse volk om zich te verzetten tegen onrechtvaardige maatschappelijke evoluties en structuren (waarvoor de westerse wereld omwille van haar holocaustcomplex blind en doof bleef.) Toen was het toch de verdienste van Yassin om een duidelijk onderscheid te blijven maken tussen joden en zionisten en verzette hij zich tegen aanslagen tegen het Joodse volk buiten Israël. Terrorisme is het wapen van de zwakkeren. Sharon heeft de wereldwijde spiraal van geweld en antisemitisme een nooit geziene impuls gegeven. Sharon zelf heeft de staat Israël meer schade toegebracht dan Yassin ooit had kunnen doen. Het is te hopen dat Sharon snel verdwijnt en dat er een koerswijziging van 180° komt in het Israëlische beleid.

24-03-04, 00:36
Rantissi = Mossad.

Op miraculeuze wijze heeft al tig keer een moordaanslag kunnen ontwijken.. Iets te miraculeus.

24-03-04, 01:15
Geplaatst door lennart
Rantissi = Mossad.

Op miraculeuze wijze heeft al tig keer een moordaanslag kunnen ontwijken.. Iets te miraculeus.

ik wil wel wedden dat hij binnen 2 jaar ook in t graf ligt........

24-03-04, 08:04
Geplaatst door 850
ik wil wel wedden dat hij binnen 2 jaar ook in t graf ligt........
Vast wel :)

24-03-04, 12:39
Geplaatst door lennart
Rantissi = Mossad.

Op miraculeuze wijze heeft al tig keer een moordaanslag kunnen ontwijken.. Iets te miraculeus.

dan is natuurlijk de mossad weer al qaida en is de cirkel rond