Bekijk Volledige Versie : 'Chemische aanval op militaire basis in Jordanie voorkomen'

16-04-04, 11:07
Report: Chemical bomb attack prevented last week in Jordan
By Haaretz Service

A terror cell seized over a week ago in Jordan planned to carry out a large-scale chemical attack in a military intelligence base in the kingdom, according to the London-based Arab daily Al Hayat.

Jordanian officials told the paper that security forces captured three car bombs that contained chemicals.

It is believed that the organization of Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who is affiliated with Al-Qaida, planned the attack.

The cell entered Jordan through Syria at the end of March, with three cars laden with explosives and weapons.

It is believed that had the cars exploded at the military base, thousands of people would have been killed and all buildings in a radius of one kilometer of the explosion would have been completely destroyed.

Jordanian King Abdullah said Wednesday that the detention of the terror cell prevented a terror attack that could have killed thousands. The Jordanian monarch added that the cell also planned to carry out terror attacks in large public areas in the kingdom

De eerdere claims van de Jordaanse overheid dat hotels werden getarget zouden dus wel eens propaganda geweest kunnen zijn. De aanval zoals nu vermeld passen in de militaire logica van het Iraq conflict. Immers Jordanie stelt zijn militaire bases beschikbaar aan de Amerikanen voor de oorlog in Iraq. Dat de aanval een chemische aanval wordt genoemd met de kennis dat de bommen 'uit Syrie afkomstig waren' zal desondanks voor nieuwe vragen zorgen mbt Saddams wapens.