Bekijk Volledige Versie : Voorzitter van Rabijnen:''Doden van burgers in Rafah toegestaan volgens de Torah''

Zwarte Schaap
20-05-04, 21:26
Rabbi supports killings in Rafah

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

Thursday 20 May 2004, 16:48 Makka Time, 13:48 GMT

Lior: Jewish lives more important than non-Jewish

A prominent rabbi has supported the killings of Palestinian civilians by Israeli occupation troops in the Gaza Strip, saying killing non-Jewish civilians is compatible with religious laws.

Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council, was quoted as saying "during warfare, killing non-Jewish civilians is permitted if it saves Jewish lives".

According to Lior's ruling, which was made public on Wednesday, Israeli occupation troops in Gaza are allowed to kill and harm "so-called innocent civilians" during warfare.

"The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them. This is the real moral behind Israel's Torah and we must not feel guilty due to foreign morals," the Ma'ariv Israeli newspaper quoted him as saying.

He added that Jewish lives were more important than non-Jewish lives.


Rabbi Lior is considered among the most learned sages of the Torah.
"Without any doubt, he is among the most learned scholars of the Torah, but he is viewed as an extremist among some liberal sectors," said Rabbi Menachem Froman from the Tku' settlement near Bethlehem.

"...a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail": Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council

Froman said he did not agree with Lior's views, calling them controversial.

"I believe that Judaism is against killing innocent people. One of the main commandments of the Torah is 'thou shall not murder.'"

However, after speaking to many rabbis, it is clear that Lior's views and interpretation of Jewish Law enjoy far more popularity and acceptance than Froman’s relatively dovish interpretations.

The basic point of disagreement concerns whether Biblical injunctions apply equally to Jews and non-Jews.

Lior, like most of the rabbis of the Gush Emunim settler movement, believes that Biblical commandments such as "thou shall not murder" refer only to "Jews" since the Torah was given to Jews, not Gentiles.

This view, however, is rejected to varying degrees by the two main unorthodox Jewish sects - the Conservatives and the Reformists - who constitute a numerical majority of Jews outside Israel, especially in North America.

Settlers' rabbi

Dov Lior is considered a champion rabbi among settlers. In 1994, he strongly supported the murder by an American immigrant settler, Baruch Goldstein, of 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Many children have been killed or injured in the Rafah onslaught

Lior then issued a religious edict, saying, "a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail".

Lior praised Goldstein, calling him a "great saint and rabbi … may his memory be blessed".

Several months after the massacre, Lior told disciples in Kiryat Araba near the occupied West Bank city of Hebron "Jewish blood was redder than non-Jewish blood … and that a Jewish life is preferred by the Lord than a non-Jewish life".


So far, the majority of Israeli religious leaders, including the two Grand Rabbis (one representing Western Jews 'Ashkenazim' and the other representing eastern Jews 'Tsfaradim') have refused to condemn or repudiate Lior's views.

Rabbi Froman suggested that because of Lior's deep knowledge of Jewish law, most rabbis refrain from challenging his understanding of the Torah and Talmud.

In fact, the official religious establishment, let alone Gush Eumunim rabbis, consistently supported whatever attacks carried out by the occupying army against Palestinian civilians.

Mirkaz Ha'rav officials in West Jerusalem (the main religious College where Dov Lior teaches) refused to comment on Lior's edict when contacted by Aljazeera.net.


Bron: www.aljazeera.com 20/05/04

20-05-04, 21:43
Geplaatst door Zwarte Schaap

Jewish lives more important than non-Jewish

Geeft ook gelijk weer waarom God Jezus stuurde...:). Woorden van soortgelijke strekking hanteerde a.dolf h.itler trouwens ook...

Zwarte Schaap
20-05-04, 21:58
Toen Israel in Jenin huishield was hij er ook als de kippen bij om te verklaren dat palestijnse levens minder waard zijn en dat er beter vliegtuigen boven bewoonde wijken ingezet moeten worden.

At today's funeral of Sgt. Shmuel Weiss (see below), who was killed in Jenin yesterday, Kiryat Arba Chief Rabbi Dov Lior criticized government policy that "gives precedence to endangering the lives of IDF soldiers rather than hurting Arab civilians." This "distorted morality" leads to Israeli blood-letting, Rabbi Lior said. Unnamed defense sources, too, said that lives could have been spared had battles planes been employed in Jenin.

Bron: Arutz Sheva April 9, 2002

20-05-04, 22:47
Toen Israel in Jenin huishield was hij er ook als de kippen bij om te cerklaren dat plestijnse levens minder waard zijn en dat er beter vliegtuigen boven bewoonde wijken inegzet moeten worden.


Wat verwacht je anders van zieke geesten als deze, de "haatdragende" imams zijn softies vergeleken bij deze geestelijken.
Ik was een aantal jaren geleden oprecht geschokt toen in een citaat las van de leider van de ultra-orthodoxe Shas partij rabijn Ovadi Yosef in de JerusalemPost.
Hij verklaarde toen dat de 6 miljoen vermoorde joden in feite reincranaties van zondaren waren en dus moesten boetenvoor hun vorige levens.

Met andere woorden: Het was hun verdiende loon.

(07:10) Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Six million were sinners

The six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust were the "reincarnation of sinners sent back to earth to pay for their sins," according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
The Shas mentor made the remarks last night during his weekly address to his followers, Israel Radio reported.

The remarks were received with applause.

Of Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Yosef said: "He is running amuck after the wicked Ishmaels... He will bring us snakes to live next to us in Jerusalem. He has no sense."

The remarks were interpreted as an indication that Shas will not reenter a coalition with Barak.

20-05-04, 23:03
P.S. nog wat uitspraken van deze gek:

Wees voorzichtig bij het eten van een appel of banaan. Het zou namelijk in zijn vorige leven een seculiere jood kunnen zijn geweest.


For example, last week during comments concerning Tu B’shvat, he explained that the soul of an observant Jew that needs improvement would be reincarnated in a human being while the soul of a secular Jew would be reincarnated in a fruit or plant. Therefore, he encouraged his listeners to be careful when reciting the blessing before eating fruit in order to repair the souls of the secular Jews that are reincarnated in them.

En voortaan mogen we volgens hem aannemen dat de schuld voor de holocaust bij de seculiere en geassimileerde joden lag.

He placed the blame for the Holocaust on secular Jews and assimilation.

En alhoewel ook sommige vrome joden waren vermoord was het grootste gros zondaars en slechte mensen ( die het dus verdienden volgens hem):

“Unfortunate righteous people were also killed because of this but most of the wrath was on the evil ones who were opposed to the Torah, who associated with the gentiles, abandoned Torah and religion,”

Zieke mensen lopen er op deze aarde rond.

21-05-04, 10:46
Het is jammer dat Isael niet optreed tegen de haat in de eigen gemeenschap tegen anderen.

Zwarte Schaap
21-05-04, 16:44
Geplaatst door lennart
Het is jammer dat Isael niet optreed tegen de haat in de eigen gemeenschap tegen anderen.

OUT OF ORDER by Ze'ev Chafets

Real Torah Judaism

The Jerusalem Post, International Edition, p. 18

January 25, 1996.
When I was but a blushing bar mitzvah boy in Pontiac, Michigan, I asked a kindly Reform rabbi about the meaning of Judaism. He was a modest man, and he replied by quoting Hillel: "Do not do unto others what you don't want done to you. The rest is commentary."

This sounded good to me. Fifteen years after the Holocaust I wasn't about to swallow any stories about an all-powerful God. The way i figured it, if there was a God, He didn't like Jews any better than anyone else. And if there wasn't, it certainly didn't make any sense to give up cheeseburgers. No, the Hillel Principle was just the sort of Judaism I could get behind. It wasn't until I moved to Jerusalem in 1967 that I became exposed to The Commentary. Jerusalem then, as now, was awash in holymen -- Talmudic scholars renowned for their genius, kabbalists and hasidic rebbes who knew God's deepest secrets, rabbinical heroes who, with a shofar and a rifle, were recreating the days of Joshua. Surrounded by such high-powered sanctity and wisdom I was of course awed. My do-unto-others Judaism seemed hopelessly basic and insufficient.

And so I tried to learn. I studied Talmudic at the Hebrew University and at a Jerusalem yeshivah (I withhold the name to protect the innocent), I spent holidays and Shabbat weekends in religious kibbutzim and hasidic shtiebels. I was positive that I would discover from the authentic Orthodox rabbis the meaning of Real Torah Judaism.

I stuck to this belief for a long time. When Rabbi Meir Kahane began preaching that Arabs are dogs and the penalty for a Muslim man marrying a Jewish woman should be death , I said to myself: This guy is an extremist fringe rabbi from Brooklyn. He doesn't speak for Real Torah Judaism.

Then along came Rabbi Yitzhak Peretz, Shas cabinet minister. He said a schoolbus full of kids was hit by a train because God was angry that the movie theater in their town was open on Friday nights. I said to myself: He may be a rabbi, but he's not a major rabbi, he's a politician. He is not speaking for Real Torah Judaism.

Next came the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He allowed his followers to declare him The Messiah. I said to myself: He's old and senile, he doesn't know what his disciples are doing. They are not speaking for Real Torah Judaism.

After that came Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri, the world's greatest kabbalist. He put a hex on a Jerusalem office building that blocked his view. I said to myself: The man's a mystic. He's not representative of Real Torah Judaism. Next, former chief rabbi Shlomo Goren put out a death warrant on Yasser Arafat. I said to myself: He's so old he doesn't know what he's saying. Surely he doesn't speak for Real Torah Judaism.

Rabbi Dov Lior, the head of a Kiryat Arba yeshivah, declared IT KOSHER TO KILL GENTILE WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN WARTIME. I said to myself: He lives in Kiryat Arba. He doesn't speak in the name of Real Torah Judaism.

Rabbi Nahum Rabinovitch, dean of another major yeshivah, advocated scattering land mines to prevent Israeli soldiers from carrying out orders in the West Bank. I said to myself: He's just a geek from Canada. Obviously he doesn't speak for Real Torah Judaism.

Then 20,000 yeshivah boys gathered to stone and threaten Israeli archaeologists. One of their leaders, Rabbi David Batzri, proclaimed that God had sent an earthquake to punish the scientists. I said to myself: These are just primitive fools blowing off steam. They don't speak for Real Torah Judaism.

Next, Rabbi Moshe Maya arose in the Knesset and said that the halakhic penalty for homosexuality is death. He proved it, too, by citing the relevant text. But I said to myself: You can prove anything using the Bible. Rabbi Maya certainly doesn't represent Real Torah Judaism.

Then, just the other day, a dispute broke out between two of Israel's former chief rabbis. Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, universally considered one of the great Torah scholars of the age, was quoted as ruling that the faithful should refuse transfusions from gentiles and nonobservant Jews because they [we] have dangerously treif blood which might cause all manner of un-Jewish behavior .

His colleague, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, took issue with this learned opinion. According to him, Jewish blood is inherently pure and therefore incapable of defiling Jewish recipients. When I heard this, I said to myself -- well, what could I say? Here are two of the world's leading rabbinical authorities, neither fringe nor fanatic, at the peak of their intellectual and spiritual powers. And they have a clear answer to the question that has plagued me since my bar mitzvah-boy days. Real Torah Judaism is found neither in good deeds nor in humble faith. It certainly has nothing to do with something so simplistic as the golden rule. No, Real Torah Judaism is a scientifically based doctrine of racial purity. Jews have one, superior, kind of blood, the rest of humanity has another.

No wonder the rabbi back in Pontiac quoted Hillel. He was probably ashamed to tell the truth.

Al Sawt
21-05-04, 16:50
Als je dergelijke citaten leest, dan raak ik meer overtuigd in mijn overtuiging. Dat Israel een racistische natie is.

21-05-04, 18:24
Volg je de logica van Pim, Hirsi, Wilders en co dan zou je tot de volgende uitspraak komen;
..Achterlijke joden..

Ja, je leest het goed. Geen nuance, dus niet van "deze rabbi is een achterlijke jood'. Nee, achterlijke joden!

Het is dus duidelijk dat bovenstaande personen niet dom zijn, maar duidelijk een hekel hebben aan.... Noem ze daarom maar gerust anti-semieten. Eigenlijk moet ik natuurlijk anti-islamisten schrijven, maar anti-semiet is gewoon wat zwaarder beladen. De maatschappij vertelt ons namelijk dat een anti-semiet een grotere slechterik is dan een anti-islamist. Dit is natuurlijk onzin want het gaat om hetzelfde principe.

Stel dat er iemand was die als eerste het woord achterlijk in verband bracht met joden.
Op TV en nieuws zou het dus zo klinken:
‘Meneer .... vind het jodendom een achterlijke cultuur.’

Natuurlijk kan je op basis van de Rabbijn’s uitspraken nog vele andere kwalificaties toevoegen, zoals; ziek, onmenselijk, haat dragend, terroristisch, haat predikend en enz..

Ik zal gebruik maken van de nuance en alsnog bovenstaande kwalificaties richten aan deze duidelijk zeer onmenselijke Rabbijn Dov Lior.

P.s. Het feit dat dit soort wezens mogen blijven preken in Israel roept natuurlijk wat vragen op.