Bekijk Volledige Versie : Solliciteren bij de MOSSAD

24-05-04, 15:37
Bus driver on Mossad wanted list

Israel's highly-secretive intelligence agency Mossad is seeking new recruits - including a bus driver and a waiter.
The organisation, legendary for its shadowy operations, has gone public by launching its own permanent website for the first time.

The site offers dozens of openings for would-be operatives, from highly skilled technicians to a waiter with conversational English.

Mossad sought intelligence officers through a previous website in 2002.

The new website, which has versions in English and Hebrew, includes a profile of the agency's history and a foreward by its chief, Meir Dagan.

"Mossad's mainstay is its people," he says.

The agency, famed for its many daring and audacious operations, including the 1960 capture of Nazi fugitive Adolf Eichmann, is also recruiting agents for what the website calls "special tasks".

Prospective applicants are assured that the"information you provide is confidential and will not be conveyed to anyone else".


Wat houd de functie van zo'n waiter in? alleen al het woordje makes me tempty to apply....

24-05-04, 16:32
Ze hebben ook een officiele website tegenwoordig:

