[Jayyous village, Qalqilia Tuesday November 5, 2002 09:15 (GMT +2)]

Approximately 100 Palestinian farmers and 10 foreign nationals are holding a silent sit-in on farmland in Jayyous that was demolished yesterday.

After local Palestinians and international civilians managed to stop the destruction of Palestinian farmland in the village of Falami yesterday, Israeli authorities instructed contractors to move to Jayyous where destruction was wreaked upon land and trees not scheduled to be demolished for the "separation wall" that the Israeli government is building. The peaceful protestors are now sitting along the path that was cleared and are blocking further destruction by the bulldozers.

Over 35 international civilians, including the French Consul General, Regis Koetschet, and a delegation of Israeli civilians are now gathered in the village of Falami in protest of the destruction of this village's agricultural land. The Swedish Consul General, Mrs.
Katarina Kipp, is also on her way. Local farmers and international civilians have been blocking bulldozer work here for the past couple of days, yesterday sustaining injuries at the hands of the Israeli security forces while trying to save olive trees from being chain sawed and uprooted. The bulldozers have yet to arrive in Falami and villagers are out harvesting olives.